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Project Info
Name: Petri
Roles: Producer, Sound Engineer, Game Designer
Duration: 2 days
Type: Game Jam
Game Engine: GameMaker 2
Team Size: 4

Team Composition:
Ross Gauld - Producer, Game Designer
Rhys - Artist
Sean - Programmer
Chris - Sound Engineer


Roles and Responsibilities
Game Designer: 
- Designed the core mechanics of the game, where the player moves around a space collecting points while avoiding enemies. as the player collects points, they expand and move slower, making them more susceptable to enemies.
- Designed enemy AI, spawn rates, and game affordances

- Maintained a to do list, sorted by assignee and priority. 
- Scheduled hourly check ins to make sure everyone was on target and working well.
- Created a presentation about our game and presented it to the judges and other participants.

Petri was the first 'real' game I ever worked on to completion. There were other 'games' that I had worked on for college projects, but mostly as coding exercises. There was another more fleshed out game I was working on at that time as part of my course, but it was still in development. As part of a team of 4, I entered into the 2017 Dundee and Angus College game jam. As we were all on a generalised foundation course, we had no real expectations of winning any of the prizes on offer, and were there mostly to socialise and have fun with the process. To our great surprise however, we not only won the award for most best gameplay but also best overall. I was personally responsible for sound design, visual assets, and project management.

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