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Luggly Buggers

Project Info
Name: Luggly Buggers
Roles: All
Duration: 6 months
Type: Honours Project
Game Engine: Unity
Team Size: Solo

- Developed a design framework to allowed for the creation of effective Player-NPC relationships.- Created a series of systems and interactions based on these findings and implemented them into an interactive project.- Designed a series of enemies, allies, and actions as well as a behaviour tree for AI decision making.

Roles and Responsibilities
- Developed a rudimentary AI behaviour tree system for game actors.
- Created a 2D brawlers style movement and combat system, complete with status effects and combo moves.
- Implemented a dialogue system with voice and cadence considerations. 

Producer:- Responsible for managing the production of a vertical slice of a video game project.- Created and maintained all project documentation including a post mortem practitioners essay and GDD- Maintained a project timeline using agile methodology.

Luggly Buggers is the game I developed for the practical development side of my Honours Project. The focus for this project was to develop a design framework for creating effective player-NPC relationships. This project explored what makes players attach themselves to characters, what makes a character design effective, and how to players and NPCs interact (both mechanically and socially). I then used this design framework to develop a this game.

The game itself is a 2D brawler, but with the added twist that the player character, Lugg (short for Little Ugg) is unable to do much damage by themselves. Instead the player must cooperate with Bugg (short for Big Ugg) in order to defeat enemies. Lugg can scatter marbles, yell insults, and throw sand to distract enemies so that Bugg can land his attacks. Bugg and Lugg also have combo moves, wherin they work together to deal massive amounts of damage. They must work together to defeat the evil pigs and bring the pig king to justice. You can read more about the game and play it by going to 

Here is a video playthrough of the game. 

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