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Project Info
Name: Klyde
Roles: Artist, sound engineer, game designer
Duration: 6 months
Type: College Project (HNC)
Game Engine: Unity
Team Size: 3

Team Composition:
Ross Gauld - Sound Engineer, artist
Luathias McGechie - Programmer

Henry Green - Producer

Sound Engineer:
- Responsible for composing 3 songs, one for the main menu, one for the pause menu, and one for the game itself. 
- Was tasked with creating any and all sound effects, including enemy attacks, UI, jingles, etc.

Roles and Responsibilities
- Created all visual assets for the game, including main character designs, enemy designs, platforms, and UI
- Made a series of animations using these designs for use in the project. 

Game Designer:
- Designed the core concept of a penguin that could change colours, and only interact with objects the same colour as they were.
- Created several levels/puzzles that could be used for this mechanic

Klyde was a game I worked on for my HNC graded unit. This project was undertaken as part of a team, as part of which I was responsible for sound design, visual assets, and level design. It was also my original concept we decided to follow, a 2D Platformer where the player can only interact with platforms and objects that are the same colour as the player. The player is able to change colours at any time, leading to difficult and interesting platforming gameplay. This ability and emphasis on colour led to the main characters name Klyde O'Scope (kaleidoscope).

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